Environmental Assessments
Environmental assessments can take many forms and are tailored to suit client, budget and legislative requirements. These typically progress in a staged fashion, whereby results of preliminary assessment stages inform the scope and design of subsequent stages. This iterative nature is preferred as it minimises costs whilst ensuring all potential contamination risks are appropriately characterised.
Recent changes to the Environmental Protection Act have meant that there is increased exposure to issues associated with contaminated sites. This includes a Duty to Notify with respect to identified contamination and any environmental and human health risk associated with this. In addition, the introduction of Preliminary Risk Screen Assessments (PRSA) has allowed council planners to implement conditions on sites that they consider to have a risk of contamination.
AGS can provide comprehensive soil, groundwater and soil gas testing in response to a desired scope. As all sites are different, so to are the scopes, costs and timelines associated with this process. Please contact our dedicated staff who can assist you with your requirements.